Statement Recommending the Designation of Samidoun as a Terrorist Entity

October 11, 2024


As international consensus grows regarding the danger posed by the Samidoun Palestinian Solidarity Network, including the recent Dutch Parliament’s decisive vote to designate Samidoun as a terrorist organization, we, the Global Imams Council (GIC), wish to express our belief that it is both necessary and urgent for the Canadian government to officially designate Samidoun as a terrorist entity.

We issue this declaration as an organization committed to upholding justice, peace, and the protection of vulnerable Muslim communities.

From an Islamic perspective, the glorification of violence and the incitement of hatred contradict the fundamental principles of peace, compassion, and coexistence that are central to our faith.

Samidoun is not an Islamic organization, and Islam prohibits the exploitation of vulnerable individuals and communities, especially when it leads to radicalization and the spreading of harm.

Samidoun’s active presence in Canada, coupled with its direct ties to other groups already designated as terrorist organizations under Canada’s Criminal Code, poses a clear and present danger to the Muslim community and the wider public. This group’s activities, which promote extremism and glorify terrorism, threaten to undermine the moral and ethical values we seek to instill in our communities. The repeated calls for violence at Samidoun’s events and the glorification of known terrorists run contrary to Canada’s multicultural fabric, which seeks to promote peace, unity, and coexistence among its diverse population. Allowing this organization to operate freely endangers Canada by creating an environment of radicalization that disproportionately affects vulnerable youth, including young Muslims.

Germany’s ban of Samidoun underscores the need for Canada to take similar steps to protect its citizens from the radicalization and violence that this organization propagates. Radical elements operating in Canadian society—particularly those with transnational links to terrorism—must be identified, isolated, and dismantled to ensure the safety of all citizens.

The Global Imams Council calls upon the Canadian government to designate Samidoun as a terrorist entity without delay. We must take swift and decisive action to protect our communities and uphold the values of peace, security, and tolerance that define Canada.

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