Statement on Malaysia’s Independence Day

August 31, 2024


In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate

The Global Imams Council (GIC) extends its warmest congratulations to the government and people of Malaysia on the joyous occasion of Independence Day. This significant day marks the celebration of Malaysia’s rich history, cultural diversity, and the resilience of its people in striving for unity, peace, and progress.

As Malaysia commemorates its independence, we recognize the country’s remarkable contributions to promoting tolerance, coexistence, and the values of harmony within its diverse society. The Global Imams Council applauds Malaysia’s ongoing efforts to foster mutual respect and understanding among all its citizens, regardless of race, religion, or background.

We pray for the continued prosperity, stability, and growth of Malaysia, and we look forward to seeing the nation further strengthen its role as a beacon of peace and cooperation in the region and beyond. 

May Allah (swt) bless the people of Malaysia with continued success and harmony.

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