Georgian MP Joins GIC as Advisor on Muslim-Georgian Affairs

November 4, 2023


Member of the Georgian Parliament The Honorable Tariel Nakaidze has joined The Global Imams Council as an advisor on Georgian-Muslim affairs. His Excellency is a celebrated Sheikh and was educated in the Republic of Türkiye, and had participated in global events hosted by leading Muslim organizations such as the Muslim World League. Sheikh Nakaidze is also the founder of the Georgian Muslims Union of which he served as Chairman between 2008 to 2020.

Imam Mohammad Tawhidi, Member of the GIC Governing Board, visited Tariel Nakaidze MP in his Parliamentary office to pay the Council’s respects and acknowledge Mr Nakaidze’s sincere and genuine efforts towards peace and community-building, especially for his representation of minorities within Georgia.

This development in relations between The Global Imams Council and the Parliament of Georgia comes after the GIC visited the Republic of Georgia between the 21st and 30th of November 2022. During this visit, the GIC delegation met with leading Muslim, Christian and Jewish faith leaders throughout Tblisi, Capital of Georgia, and its surrounding cities. The Global Imams Council solidified its relationship with the Muslim community of Georgia by signing Memorandums of Understanding with leading Muslim leaders of Georgia.

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