Membership Policy

Article 6. of the GIC Constitution regulates that:

6.1. All membership applications are managed by the Governing Board and the Senior Imams Committee, and may, in their ultimate discretion, recommend the applicant for admission as a Member of the Imams Council.

6.2. All applicants must satisfy the qualification requirements listed in the membership form.

6.3. All applicants must agree to all articles and clauses within the GIC Constitution, Declaration, as well as the Membership Policy.

6.4. All applicants and members must not be affiliated with Islamist, extremist, terrorist, and or any other questionable organizations.

6.5. Council Members may not be affiliated with any political figure, organization, party, or entity, and may not lead any political activity, party, entity, or organization.

6.6. All applicants must agree to/with all local government laws and legal systems and agree to abide by them at all times.

6.7. All applicants must agree that any illegal activity from their behalf will result in an immediate suspension and termination of membership, and removal from the Council with short notice.

6.8. All applicants must be willing to cooperate with government departments and security agencies, and agree that their information may be disclosed to said organizations if the Council is legally requested to do so.

6.9. All applicants must disclose all official and unofficial positions and affiliations. Failure to disclose all positions and affiliations will result in immediate suspension and/removal from the council, depending on the severity of the matter, regardless of how far the applicant has progressed within the Council.

6.10. Upon the acceptance of a membership application by the Governing Board and Senior Imams Committee, the applicant becomes an official Member and officer of the Council.

6.11. In no case shall the Global Imams Council be required to give any reason for the rejection of an applicant.

6.13. All Imam-applicants must satisfy the qualification requirements in order to become members of the Imams Council. These prerequisites are:

  • Be a practicing Muslim.
  • Be a certified or ordained cleric, Sheikh or Imam; or
  • Be a graduate scholar of Islamic Studies/or Quranic Science from an Islamic tertiary institute or organization that evidences Islamic qualifications;
  • Be an active director within the Muslim community, and prove sufficient experience as a faith leader or community director.
  • Not adhering to any extremist or militant ideology or school of thought.
  • Successfully complete the GIC Imam Training program.
  • Be a person of good fame, character, reputation, and above any suspicion.


6.14. Membership Rights

6.14.1. The Council acknowledges and protects the rights of all of its members.

6.14.2. Council members have, but are not limited to, the following rights:

  • Vote in their respective Committee elections;
  • Attend general meetings;
  • Notice of meetings and to attend certain meetings;
  • Access certain Council documents;
  • Nominate to hold formal roles in the Council;
  • Submit items for consideration at general meetings and to be heard at general meetings;
  • Make a complaint about another member;
  • Make submissions in connection with any complaint made against them;
  • Be given notice before disciplinary action is taken by the Council;
  • Appeal against suspension or expulsion from the Council;
  • Appoint another GIC Member to vote and speak on the member’s behalf;
  • Not be oppressed and be provided with natural justice in disciplinary and grievance procedures, including by being given the opportunity to be heard on the matter which is the subject of the disciplinary or grievance procedure and having the outcome of any dispute determined by an unbiased decision-maker.


6.15. Membership Policy

6.15.1. Members of the Council will belong to different Islamic sects, schools of thought and denominations; and will all work together towards achieving the Council’s objectives enlisted in Clause 2 of this constitution.

6.15.2. Muslims and Non-Muslims alike may become officers and affiliates of the Council.

6.15.3. The GIC Governing Board positions must be occupied by individuals adhering to the Islamic faith, in order to maintain the nature of the Council as an Islamic council. Positions such as website developer or similar non-executive roles may be occupied by individuals of any background or faith.

6.15.4. Individuals may become officers of the Council by invitation, application, or election. The Council may also assign individuals as honorary members.

6.15.5. All Council members must be qualified for the positions which they occupy.

6.15.6. Council members may hold one or more roles within the Council.

6.15.7. All Council officers and members will not discriminate in membership on the basis of race, colour, creed, religion, sect, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age, or disability.

6.15.8. All Council members must agree to all articles within the GIC Constitution, Declaration and Policy; and must not be affiliated with Islamist, extremist, terrorist, or questionable organizations.

6.15.9. GIC Members may not be affiliated with any political figure, organization, party, or entity, and may not lead any political activity, party, entity, or organization.