Media Requests

This page is dedicated to media inquiries. For general inquiries and Islamic Questions, please visit our Contact Us page.

The Global Imams Council (GIC) welcomes media inquiries and is pleased to provide expert commentary on matters concerning Islam, Muslims, and the Muslim world. As an apolitical organization, the GIC maintains a neutral stance on political matters. We do not comment on political affairs unless the issue directly involves the welfare and affairs of Muslims. Our focus remains on promoting peace, understanding, and cooperation within the global Islamic community. We look forward to assisting you with your media inquiries. Your efforts to accurately and thoughtfully report on matters concerning Islam and Muslims are crucial in promoting understanding and fostering positive dialogue.


1. How We Interact with the Media

We interact with the media both in writing and in person.

In Writing: To guarantee a response from the GIC, questions submitted to the council must be clear and concise. Our answers are mainly provided in writing. For verification purposes, our answers are considered valid only if they are certified by the GIC Governing Board.

Interviews: As a large and diverse global council, only Imams assigned by the GIC Governing Board are permitted to speak on behalf of the GIC. As per the GIC Constitution, membership in the GIC does not provide Imams with rights to represent the GIC, and any commentary outside this framework is deemed non-representative of the GIC’s positions and stances.


2. How to Submit a Media Request

Accredited journalists and media professionals seeking to interview a GIC representative or request a statement are invited to follow the guidelines below:

  • Please include your name, the name of your media organization, and your contact information (email address and phone number).
  • Clearly state the topic of your inquiry and the specific questions you would like the GIC to address.
  • Include any relevant background information about the topic to help us prepare a comprehensive and informed response.


3. Submission Guidelines

Please send all media requests to our dedicated media office at:


4. Response Time

We strive to respond to all media requests promptly. Our media office will review your request and connect you with the appropriate GIC representative. Depending on the complexity of your inquiry and the availability of our experts, response times may vary. While we will do our best to accommodate your timeline, we usually require at least 48 business hours to provide a response.

We appreciate your understanding and patience.



Media Relations Office

The Global Imams Council