Glocal Representation

The Global Imams Council addresses both global and local dimensions simultaneously, integrating global perspectives and strategies with local contexts and needs. GIC emphasizes the importance of being globally informed while remaining sensitive and adaptable to local cultures and specific circumstances.

The Global Imams Council (GIC) represents Islam and the Muslim communities belonging to its framework of congregations, mosques, and Islamic centers. Our primary mission is to advocate for the interests of the Muslim world daily. This commitment has been our main priority, especially in response to the co-opting of the Islamic faith by extremist groups seeking to impose their political agendas on society using Islam as a tool. This phenomenon poses a significant challenge for Muslims worldwide, who often face discrimination and misunderstanding due to the actions of these groups. The following paragraphs will demonstrate the necessity and importance of our representation.

The Complexity of Global Representation

With approximately 1.8 billion Muslims, we constitute almost a quarter of humanity; spanning various ethnicities, languages, cultures and reside in nearly every country on the planet. Muslims also hold different interpretations of Islamic beliefs and practices. We all live in varied socio-economic and political contexts, facing our own distinct challenges and opportunities. Our Imams adhere to all Islamic schools of thought, which makes our Council genuinely representative of Islam. 

Differentiating Muslims and Islamists

The Global Imams Council (GIC) represents Muslims and strongly opposes Islamists. It is crucial to distinguish between these terms, as they refer to different groups with distinct meanings. Muslims are individuals who follow mainstream Islam, constituting the overwhelming majority of the religion. We believe in the oneness of God and follow the teachings of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), as recorded in The Holy Quran and Hadith.

Muslims adhere to the five pillars of Islam, which include the declaration of faith (Shahada), prayer (Salah), giving to charity (Zakat), fasting during Ramadan (Sawm), and the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj).

On the other hand, Islamists are individuals or groups seeking to establish a political system by any means possible, advocating for the implementation of Sharia Law as the basis for governance. Islamist movements vary in their goals and methods, ranging from political participation to outright terrorism. Islamists, such as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood, attempt to hijack Islam by utilizing religious texts and symbols to justify their violent and intolerant behavior, leading to a distortion of Islamic teachings and a misrepresentation of the vast majority of Muslims who reject extremism.

Addressing the hijacking of Islam requires experience, dedication, sincerity, courage, and a multifaceted approach involving countering extremist ideology, promoting religious literacy and education, and supporting Muslim voices who reject violence and promote peace and tolerance. While all Islamists are Muslims, not all Muslims are Islamists.

The majority of Muslims do not support the political agenda of Islamists, who are a deviant minority within the religion. The Global Imams Council actively opposes Islamism in all its forms.

Combatting Anti-Muslim Bigotry

Another significant challenge in representing Muslims globally is the historical and contemporary context of anti-Muslim bigotry. Muslims have faced discrimination, prejudice, and violence due to our religion. The Global Imams Council addresses these biases and challenges the negative narratives contributing to anti-Muslim bigotry.

To represent Muslims globally accurately and positively, The Global Imams Council involves Muslim individuals and communities in the representation process. Muslim voices should be centered in the narrative and given the agency to shape their representation. This approach recognizes the agency and diversity of Muslims, ensuring that the representation is authentic and reflects the perspectives and experiences of Muslim individuals and communities worldwide.

Positive Muslim Contributions

Another essential aspect of representing Muslims globally is to focus on the positive contributions and achievements of Muslims in various fields. Muslim individuals and communities have significantly contributed to science, arts, literature, philosophy, and many other areas throughout history. These contributions have enriched human civilization and advanced our understanding of the world. By highlighting these positive aspects, the Global Imams Council challenges negative stereotypes and provides a more accurate and balanced representation of Muslims globally.

We ask Allah Almighty to assist us in our endeavors. Indeed, He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.