GIC Lauds Canada’s Stance Against the Taliban

August 26, 2024


In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.

The Global Imams Council (GIC) commends the Canadian Government’s firm condemnation of the Taliban’s recently announced “vice and virtue” law. Canada’s stance rightly emphasizes that the silencing of Afghan women and girls is a profound injustice. The voices of Afghan women and girls are not only their inherent right but are also integral to the fabric of a just and equitable society. As Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly eloquently stated, there is no virtue in silencing the marginalized and oppressed.

The Global Imams Council (GIC) strongly condemns the Taliban’s actions, which represent a gross misinterpretation of Islamic teachings. The recent decree to ban women’s voices and bare faces in public, along with other oppressive measures, is a blatant violation of fundamental human rights and freedoms. Such laws, under the guise of promoting virtue, in fact, reflect a distorted and extremist ideology that is at odds with the true spirit of Islam.

GIC calls upon the international community, religious leaders, and people of conscience around the world to stand in solidarity with the women and girls of Afghanistan. We urge all nations to echo Canada’s stance, condemning the Taliban’s draconian laws and advocating for the rights and freedoms of all Afghan citizens.

We remain committed to advocating for justice, equality, and the rights of all individuals, and we will continue to speak out against any form of extremism that seeks to distort the message of Islam.

May peace and justice prevail in Afghanistan, and may the voices of all its people, especially the women and girls, be heard and respected.

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