Countering Extremism & Terrorism

The Global Imams Council acknowledges that terrorism is a growing global concern and one of the most significant threats to international security. The devastating impact of terrorist attacks is evident from recent events, such as the 9/11 attacks in the United States, the 7/7 bombings in London, and the 2008 Mumbai attacks. The threat posed by terrorist groups and individuals extends beyond the loss of human lives, encompassing severe economic damage, social instability, and a significant impact on international relations. The GIC values its relationship with the counter-terrorism community and is actively involved in projects aimed at tackling Islamist terrorism to minimize the risk of terrorist attacks and maintain local and global security.

The GIC works to detect, prevent, and respond to terrorist activities effectively. This work involves a range of activities, including intelligence cooperation with authorities in the Middle East, law enforcement collaboration, parliamentary testimonies, and international cooperation with other leading Imams councils and Muslim organizations.

The Global Imams Council is among the very few Muslim organizations capable of identifying potential threats within the broader Muslim community, with a particular focus on protecting vulnerable Muslims targeted by Islamist extremists. The Council’s objective in this regard is to disrupt Islamist networks, identify terrorist financiers, and prevent Islamists from operating freely.

A critical aspect of The Global Imams Council’s work is countering extremist ideologies that promote terrorism. Many terrorist organizations, such as the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda, Hamas and ISIS, have exploited political, social, and economic grievances to recruit and radicalize individuals to carry out their violent agenda. GIC’s Counter-terrorism efforts focus on addressing these underlying causes of extremism. The Council works towards building resilient communities that are less vulnerable to extremist propaganda and have the capacity to resist the influence of radicalization.


The Global Imams Council’s Counter-terrorism Portfolio is directed by Mr. Dhafir al-Shammery, who holds an MA in Policing, Intelligence, and Counter-Terrorism from Macquarie University, earned in 2011.