GIC Statement on the Passing Anniversary of The Holy Prophet Mohammad (s)

September 1, 2024


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

“Muhammad is not but a messenger. [Other] messengers have passed on before him. So, if he were to die or be killed, would you turn back on your heels [to unbelief]? And he who turns back on his heels will never harm Allah at all; but Allah will reward the grateful.” (The Holy Quran 3:144)

The Global Imams Council (GIC) offers its heartfelt condolences to the entire Muslim Ummah and the revered Islamic Seminaries on the solemn occasion of the passing of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him and His Purified Progeny). His noble soul ascended from this worldly existence to the exalted realm of the divine, marking one of the most profoundly sorrowful and grievous days in the history of Islam. With his departure, the Muslim nation lost its unparalleled leader, compassionate mentor, and unwavering source of solace and security. The divine revelation that illuminated mankind ceased, and the prophetic mission was sealed with the martyrdom of the Noble Prophet (peace be upon Him and His family).

Tears of sorrow flowed from the eyes of believers, and a profound grief enveloped the entire world in mourning for this irreplaceable and incomparable loss. The 28th of Safar thus became a day of deep lamentation for the followers of the Noble Prophet, a day etched in the annals of time as one of the darkest in Islamic history. Yet, even in this immense sorrow, there is a promise of hope, a beacon of light: the advent of the final member of the pure progeny, who will rise to restore justice and equity across the earth, vanquishing the shadows of oppression and tyranny.

Peace and blessings be upon the Master of Creation and the Beloved of Allah Almighty on the day He was born, the day He was martyred, and the day He shall be resurrected alive.

Verily, we belong to Allah, and to Him, we shall return.

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