Statement on the 10th Anniversary of the Yazidi Genocide

August 3, 2024


As we mark the 10th anniversary of the atrocities committed against the Yazidi community by the so-called Islamic State (ISIS), The Global Imams Council (GIC) stands in solidarity with the Yazidis, a distinct ethno-religious minority, affirming our unwavering support for justice and accountability. The horrifying events of August 2014, which saw mass murder, forced religious conversion, enslavement, and egregious sexual violence against the Yazidis, remain a painful scar on the conscience of humanity.

The Yazidis have suffered immensely due to the barbaric actions of ISIS, which sought to eradicate their community. It is unacceptable that, a decade later, justice continues to elude the Yazidi survivors, and the international community’s response has been insufficient.

Despite the involvement of tens of thousands of individuals from 89 countries in these heinous crimes, only a minuscule number of perpetrators have faced justice. The GIC calls upon all members of the international community, particularly those who have signed the Rome Statute, to fulfill their legal and moral obligations to investigate and prosecute those responsible for crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide. Justice must be served not only in the courtrooms closest to where these atrocities occurred but also in the countries of origin of the perpetrators.

The recent incidents of hate speech against Yazidi families in refugee camps and the renewed violence in the Sinjar region highlight the ongoing systemic discrimination against the Yazidi people in Iraq. It is deeply concerning that the Iraqi courts have only charged individuals with ISIS membership, neglecting to address the broader crimes of genocide. The GIC urges the Iraqi government to ensure fair and comprehensive legal proceedings that recognize and prosecute the full extent of the crimes committed against the Yazidi community.

We also call on the international community to support the extension of the mandate for the UN investigative team collecting evidence of ISIS crimes in Iraq. This evidence is crucial for holding perpetrators accountable and achieving justice for the victims. Countries such as Australia, France, and Britain, which advocate for women’s security and peace, must take concrete actions to prosecute their nationals involved in ISIS crimes, including sexual violence. Revoking citizenship alone is not enough; justice requires accountability through legal prosecution.

The Global Imams Council reiterates that peace and justice are inextricably linked. The Yazidis, who have endured unimaginable suffering, have waited long enough for justice. It is the collective responsibility of the international community to ensure that the Yazidis receive the justice they deserve. As a Council committed to promoting peace, coexistence, and justice, we stand with the Yazidis and pledge our continued efforts to combat extremism and uphold the rights of all communities.

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