GIC Statement on the Sentencing of Blake Hindry

August 17, 2024


In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

The Global Imams Council expresses its relief and satisfaction at the recent sentencing of Blake Hindry, who threatened to burn down five mosques and harm Muslim leaders. This act of justice serves as a firm reminder that such hateful and violent intentions will not be tolerated in any society that values peace, harmony, and the rule of law.

We commend the swift and decisive actions taken by the Metropolitan Police in apprehending and prosecuting the individual responsible for these threats. The sentencing of two years and six months reflects the seriousness with which the judicial system views such egregious acts of hatred and intolerance.

The GIC stands in solidarity with the Muslim communities in the United Kingdom, who have understandably felt heightened concern for their safety in recent times. We acknowledge the efforts of law enforcement, particularly Metropolitan Police Commander Louise Puddefoot, for their commitment to ensuring the security of all citizens, regardless of faith.

As religious leaders, we reaffirm our dedication to promoting peace, dialogue, and mutual respect among all communities. It is our hope that this incident will serve as a catalyst for continued vigilance and unity in the face of those who seek to sow division and fear.

May justice and peace prevail, and may the bonds between all communities grow stronger in the aftermath of this incident.

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