Human Rights

The Global Imams Council (GIC) is uniquely positioned to champion and enhance human rights within Muslim communities and beyond. Leveraging its authority and influence, the GIC plays a pivotal role in promoting principles of justice, equality, and dignity for all individuals. The Council’s efforts in this regard can be multifaceted, encompassing education, advocacy, policy influence, and community engagement.

  1. Promoting Gender Equality

One of the key areas where the GIC makes a significant impact is in promoting gender equality. We are the first Imams Council in history and the Muslim world to provide women with administrative roles in an Imams Council. By interpreting and emphasizing Islamic teachings that support the rights and dignity of women, the GIC challenges and address cultural practices that undermine gender equality. The GIC proudly proposed the Fatwas (Islamic Law) against Female Genital Mutilation, and advocates for women’s rights in areas such as education, employment, and personal freedom. Additionally, the GIC is involved in workshops and seminars to educate communities about the importance of gender equality and the role of women in society.

  1. Advocating for Minority Rights

The GIC is a strong advocate for the rights of religious and ethnic minorities. We are the first Imams Council to visit Mosul, Iraq, after its liberation from ISIS terrorists. 

By highlighting the principles of justice and compassion in Islam, the Council can promote tolerance and understanding towards minority groups. The GIC can work with local and international human rights organizations to monitor and report on the treatment of minorities, advocating for policies that protect their rights and promote social cohesion. This advocacy can help combat discrimination and ensure that minority communities are treated with respect and fairness.

  1. Addressing Social and Economic Inequalities

Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of social justice and the equitable distribution of resources. The GIC can utilize this foundation to address social and economic inequalities within communities. By promoting the principles of Zakat (charitable giving) and Sadaqah (voluntary charity), the Council can encourage the wealthy to support those in need, reducing poverty and improving living standards. The GIC can also advocate for policies that provide equal opportunities for education, healthcare, and employment, ensuring that all individuals can achieve their full potential.

  1. Combatting Human Rights Abuses

The GIC can take a proactive stance in combatting human rights abuses, such as human trafficking, forced labor, and child exploitation. By raising awareness about these issues within Muslim communities and collaborating with international organizations, the Council can help to identify and protect victims of human rights abuses. The GIC can also work with governments to develop and implement policies that prevent such abuses and ensure that perpetrators are held accountable.

  1. Promoting Freedom of Religion and Belief

Freedom of religion and belief is a fundamental human right. The GIC can advocate for this right by promoting interfaith dialogue and understanding. By engaging with leaders of other faiths, the Council can work to create an environment where individuals are free to practice their religion without fear of persecution. The GIC can also support legal frameworks that protect religious freedoms and challenge policies that restrict these rights.

  1. Educational Initiatives on Human Rights

Education is a powerful tool for promoting human rights. The GIC can develop and implement educational programs that teach the principles of human rights from an Islamic perspective. These programs can be aimed at various audiences, including religious leaders, community members, and youth. By educating individuals about their rights and responsibilities, the GIC can empower communities to advocate for themselves and others.

  1. Collaborating with Human Rights Organizations

The GIC can strengthen its efforts by collaborating with national and international human rights organizations. Through partnerships and alliances, the Council can share knowledge, resources, and strategies to enhance human rights initiatives. These collaborations can also provide the GIC with a platform to influence global human rights agendas and ensure that the voices of Muslim communities are represented in international discussions.


The Global Imams Council has a critical role to play in enhancing human rights. By promoting gender equality, advocating for minority rights, addressing social and economic inequalities, combatting human rights abuses, promoting freedom of religion and belief, implementing educational initiatives, and collaborating with human rights organizations, the GIC can significantly contribute to the advancement of human rights. Through these efforts, the Council can help create a more just, equitable, and compassionate world for all individuals, regardless of their background or beliefs.