GIC Funding

Transparency and Independence

The Global Imams Council (GIC) operates with the utmost transparency and independence. Our commitment to openness is evident in our work, the decisions we make, and the statements we issue. This independence is a cornerstone of our operations and sets us apart. We are driven by principles, not agendas, ensuring our actions are always in alignment with our core values.

Independence from Government Influence

Since our inception, our constitution has mandated that we maintain independence, ensuring our freedom and integrity. This policy allows us to operate without external influences that could compromise our mission and values. Like most charities, we may apply for seasonal community grants to enhance our community work or office security systems.

GIC Funding Sources

Our funding comes from four sources, ensuring the sustainability and independence of our operations:

1. Support from the Islamic Seminary

A portion of GIC’s funding is provided by the Islamic seminaries of Najaf and Karbala. As the GIC represents these seminaries and their jurisdiction on the global stage, it is appropriate that they support GIC’s efforts. Additionally, GIC members receive modest stipends from these seminaries, a standard practice for all students and teachers within educational seminaries across the Muslim world.

2. Community Services

The GIC provides a wide range of community services for which we charge minimal fees. These fees are solely to cover the costs and expenses of providing these services; the GIC does not profit financially from them. Community members contribute only to the direct costs of the services they receive, ensuring affordability and accessibility. 

3. Support from Independent Donors

Our global operations, which address issues that other Imams councils may not, are supported by independent and private donors. These donors believe in the value of GIC’s efforts and are committed to supporting our unique initiatives. Their contributions enable us to tackle critical issues and expand our impact across multiple fronts.

4. Donations Through the GIC Website

The GIC welcomes donations through its official website, enabling visitors and event attendees to support our mission. We carefully vet incoming donations on a weekly basis. Should any donor be deemed questionable or affiliated with a government, we promptly refund their contribution.

Gift Policy

The Global Imams Council (GIC) adheres to a strict policy regarding the receipt of gifts. Our members are instructed to graciously decline any financial or valuable gifts. This policy is implemented to ensure proper governance and to uphold the integrity of the Council. By adhering to this policy, we maintain transparency and avoid any potential conflicts of interest, thereby preserving the trust and confidence of the communities we serve.

The GIC’s funding model underscores our commitment to independence and integrity. By relying only on these four sources, we ensure that our operations remain free from undue influence and aligned with our mission to serve effectively and ethically.