Enhancing Education

The Global Imams Council believes that enhancing education is essential for building a more prosperous, safe, and equitable society. Education is the foundation for personal and societal development, as it equips individuals with the skills, knowledge, and values necessary to succeed in life. 

The GIC is directly involved in the development of peace curriculums throughout the Muslim world and Europe. Most recently, the GIC collaborated with the former President of Romania, The Honorable Emil Constantinescu and the Inter-parliamentary Coalition for Global Ethics to develop a peace curriculum to be taught at schools across the Middle East.

The GIC Governing Board was hosted at the Italian Parliament as well as Sapienza University of Rome (the largest university in Europe) to present the Islamic perspective of the peace curriculum.

The GIC also believes that education is enhanced through the incorporation of peace education programs, nonviolent communication training, conflict resolution training, and human rights education – all of which can be integrated into existing school curricula, community programs, and extracurricular activities.

The GIC has been hosted at the United Nations to participate in sessions discussing the development of peace curriculums, and how they contribute to a more peaceful and equitable society by promoting nonviolence, conflict resolution, social justice, empathy, and understanding. 

By enhancing education, the GIC seeks to create a world where individuals and communities are empowered to create positive change, promote social well-being, and foster a culture of peace.